Tue, 5 Dec 2017
Industrialisation modernised agriculture, digitalisation is revolutionising it.
Food security is back at the centre of the global agenda as the relationship between supply and demand becomes increasing lopsided.
And whilst trying to readdress this balance, the agriculture sector must overcome a wide array on engrained and novel challenges. There is societal pressure on the sector to produce more whilst being environmental; a growing interest in food origins is putting greater onus on suppliers to provide end-to-end traceability and transparency within supply chains; and an ageing workforce is forcing farms to adapt historic operational methods and management strategies.
Agriculture is at a cross-road in its progression. And it would not be hyperbole to say that the sectors success of failure to move forwards is reliant on one key variable: technology.
Agriculture is becoming increasingly reliant on technology. And this is a good thing. Machine and automated solutions are carry out complex tasks effectively, and can manage entire networked machine and data systems. This is better informing stakeholders on the inner-workings of their agricultural spaces.
However, technology is by no means ubiquitous in terms of access and applications. Agriculture is still in a relatively early stage of its digitalisation, and key influencers have highlighted the need for the sector to progress.
In line with this, Challenge Advisory have developed Agriculture 4.0 – an Interoperability Workshop designed around developing collaborative, technologically based solutions to agricultural challenges.
In 2018, key influencers from global agriculture will come together to discuss how cross-sector solutions and cross-industry technologies can be best applied within macro and micro farm spaces.
The workshop will give disruptive and innovative start-ups the chance to connect with the industry players who can make their solutions actionable, bringing about collaborative and long-lasting solutions to the sector’s most pressing challenges.
To find out more about the workshop, the challenges being addressed, and how you can get involved, click here, or email us at agilbert@challenge.org. We would love to hear from people who think they can add to this unique opportunity.