Once this is achieved, the cyber-criminal can now request money from the business that suffered from this attack in order to release the sensitive data. Most companies that are not prepared for events like these estimate that they are better off by cooperating with the hacker and meeting his demands rather than losing the sensitive captured data (which often consists of intel regarding business processes and data of clients) and getting it released to the public.
Let’s talk about how exactly one of the biggest emerging technologies such as Virtual Twin can help improve the effectiveness of Cyber Security software using data and simulations. One of the biggest benefits of this technology is that they’re strictly based (but not limited to) on a virtual process is the ability to create future simulations on how a digital process or a series of code executions will work under specific circumstances. For instance, the cybersecurity algorithm of anti-virus software that is activated once a cyber attack has been detected can be simulated by replicating its algorithm. Instead of hiring in-house or outsourced talent to continuously try to breach the defenses of a resource, virtual twin simulation developers will be able to create different types of virus and cyber attack scenarios from scratch in the simulation interface. This then would allow developers to effortlessly improve the defense capabilities of the anti-virus software and pre-program a counter-strike for every single cyber attack angle the virus can possibly attempt to use in order to generate a successful breach. In simple words, the more data and testing activity get registered by the virtual database, the more sophisticated decisions the digital twin can make in order to create a very efficient and multi-faceted protection algorithm that would defend data of business against any potential virus activity.
By having the ability to create virus attack simulations, virtual twin technology will be capable of making better, faster and more efficient decisions the more data and virtual tests are fed to it. This means that by executing enough tests and brainstorming all possible scenarios of how a hacker might try to breach into a valuable online resource, the digital twin interface will be capable of reacting with extreme speed and precision by making calculated decisions by itself. If you would like to find out more about how virtual counterparts will help protect your data, you should attend our internet 4.0 conference – enhancing cybersecurity with digital twins.
In order to illustrate this concept better and avoid confusion, if you’ve ever heard the famous process automation software called IFTTT (If This Then That), the premise of a simulation will be somewhat based on it. Essentially, by implementing specific actions you want a software to trigger, you have to incorporate the concept of IFTTT in order for the algorithm to comprehend when it must execute a chain of actions in order to give you the outcome you want. The same concept can be used to explain how Digital Twin will enhance cybersecurity, however, instead of always having to manually implement IFTTT concepts, a virtual twin of software will learn thousands of times faster. Meaning, that although the first few virus attack scenarios will need to be manually created by a developer using simulations, once the digital twin software has enough data to navigate through the context it is in, it will be able to create simulations and accurately predict the actions a cyber-criminal will take in the future prior to the hacker executing any of them.
Discover all of the benefits of virtual twin for cybersecurity and how it will contribute the internet more secure by attending our event live. Click the button above to find out more information about this.