The Truth in Advertising

By Rebecca Lam

16 September 2018

Is there such thing as transparency within advertising? In an age where consumer trust is difficult to acquire and maintain – the answer is yes. Visibility, brand safety and transparency are high on the agenda for sales and marketing teams alike as today’s current climate. With numerous data breaches and privacy concerns in recent months, a major goal within organisations is to demonstrate that their brand is safe, reliable and credible.

Advertisers need to appoint a figure head as the responsible for transparent relationships between the company and the media agencies. They must keep track of the rebates received and inform senior management about the importance of rebates. This will gradually build strong accountability within the organisation. Conducting audits will be crucial, as media audits will provide the knowledge and skill to track rebates.

Moving forward, organisations must prioritise transparency for short and long-term efforts. The attention of management should be focused becoming open and straightforward, building authentic partnerships with their clients. Transparency will heighten a company’s reputation, which will be invaluable to a company’s future success.


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